1988. Звезда. ...Everybody's looking for a reason to live If you're looking for a reason I've a reason to give...
1993. Игла. ...You take me there You take me where The kingdom comes You take me to and lead me through Babilon...

1997. После смерти. ...This twisted, tortured mess This bed of sinfulness...

2001. Настоящий....What the spirit seeks The mind will follow When the body speaks All else is hollow...

2005. Ждем. Playing the Angel

1993. Игла. ...You take me there You take me where The kingdom comes You take me to and lead me through Babilon...

1997. После смерти. ...This twisted, tortured mess This bed of sinfulness...

2001. Настоящий....What the spirit seeks The mind will follow When the body speaks All else is hollow...

2005. Ждем. Playing the Angel